Texturing Courses
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube Making Shoes in ZBrush - Model Your Own '85 Nike Air Jordans
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube Modeling Spongebob Squarepants in ZBrush - From Scratch to Finish
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube ZBrush to Cinema 4D and Redshift Rendering Tutorial
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube Finn Adventure Time Anatomy Ecorche - Muscle Creation Tutorial
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube Creating a Rancor 3D Model - ZBrush Techniques from Anatomy to Detailing
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube ZBrush Techniques: Freeze Subdivisions, Alpha Relief, Scene Scale, and More - Livestream
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube ZBrush Techniques: Dice Creation, Texturing, and Advanced Modeling - Livestream Tutorial
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube ZBrush Hard Surface Modeling Techniques - Deep Dive into Vintage Pizza Hut Lamp and Other Objects
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube ZBrush 2021.7 Tips and Tricks: Mech Bison Creation, 3D Modeling, and Character Drawing
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube