Texturing Courses

Create a Leprechaun - Pavlovich Workshop - Michael Pavlovich - ZBrush 2021
Pixologic ZBrush via YouTube
Making a Cyborg with Mantis Blades - Pixologic Daisuke Narukawa
Pixologic ZBrush via YouTube
Designing Jewelry & Accessories with Marveaux Clothing - T.S. Wittelsbach
Pixologic ZBrush via YouTube
Introduction to UV Mapping - Learn the Complete Basics
FlippedNormals via YouTube
Last of Us - Megascans, Scan Data Wrap, Marvelous Designer, Fibermesh & Creature Fungi Brushes
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube
X-Treme Baseball Head Part 2 - Spit, UVs, Eyeballs, Baking, & Substance Painter
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube
X-TREME Baseball Head 3D Modeling Techniques - Part 1
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube
Hellraiser Pinhead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface - 3D Character Creation Tutorial
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube
Creating Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers Masks in ZBrush - Sculpting and Texturing Tutorial
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube
Making a Super Cute MidJourney AI Stylized Funko Character
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube
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