Look Development, Lighting and Compositing for a Noir Scene in RenderMan RIS

Offered By: Pluralsight


Compositing Courses Nuke Courses RenderMan Courses

Course Description


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Throughout these lessons we are going to learn look development, lighting and compositing for a Noir scene using RenderMan and NUKE. Software Required: Maya 2015, RenderMan 19 (RIS) and NUKE 9

Throughout these lessons we are going to learn look development, lighting and compositing for a Noir scene using RenderMan and NUKE. We'll learn a new approach to look development and lighting by starting with the basics of RenderMan and move forward to understand a more organic and realistic way of rendering with a GI render engine. Finally, we'll composite a high quality final image with NUKE. By the end of the course you will have working knowledge of how to render a Noir Scene for production. Software Required: Maya 2015, RenderMan 19 (RIS) and NUKE 9


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Look Development, Lighting and Compositing for a Noir Scene in RenderMan Ris 304mins

Taught by

Miguel Lleras Villaveces

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