Two Types of Integrability in Liouville Quantum Gravity - Lecture
Offered By: USC Probability and Statistics Seminar via YouTube
Course Description
Explore two major sources of integrability in Liouville quantum gravity in this 47-minute lecture from the USC Probability and Statistics Seminar. Delve into conformal field theory and random planar maps decorated with statistical physics models, examining examples of each type and understanding their compatibility. Learn how cutting and gluing random surfaces in LQG using SLE curves allows for the blending of these two types of integrability, leading to exact results in various areas. Discover findings on Liouville conformal field theory, mating of trees, Schramm-Loewner evolution, and conformal loop ensemble. Gain insights from joint works with Morris Ang, Nina Holden, and Guillaume Remy as presented by the speaker from the University of Pennsylvania.
Xin Sun: Two types of integrability in Liouville quantum gravity (UPenn)
Taught by
USC Probability and Statistics Seminar
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