The Flux Tube Spectrum and the World-Sheet Axion - Andreas Athinodorou

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Color Confinement Courses Integrability Courses Non-Abelian Gauge Theories Courses Gauge/Gravity Duality Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive lecture on the flux tube spectrum and world-sheet axion in non-Abelian gauge theories. Delve into theoretical expectations from Goddard-Goldstone-Rebbi-Thorn and Effective String Theory, followed by detailed lattice calculations including setup, correlation functions, and excitation spectrum extraction. Examine operator construction techniques, focusing on quantum numbers and lattice operators. Analyze results for both 2+1 and 3+1 dimensional cases, covering various excited states and the k=2 string. Gain insights into color confinement, chromoelectric flux tubes, and their role in the large N limit of gauge theories, as presented by Andreas Athinodorou from the Cyprus Institute during the Confinement, Flux Tubes, and Large N conference at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics.


The flux tube spectrum and the world-sheet axion
Theoretical Expectations: Goddard-Goldstone-Rebbi-Thorn
Theoretical Expectations: Effective String Theory
Lattice Calculation: Lattice Set up
Lattice Calculation: Correlation Function
3. Lattice Calculation: Extraction of the Excitation Spectrum
3. Lattice Calculation: Operators Building
Operator Construction: Quantum Numbers
Operator Construction: Lattice Operators
3. Lattice Calculation: Strategy - Constraints
Results: the D = 2 + 1 case
Results: D = 3 + 1 case
6. Results: D = 3 + 1 - the state 0
6. Results: D = 3 + 1 - first excited state N = N = 1
6. Results: D = 3 + 1 - Second Excited state 0++
6. Results: D = 3 + 1 - Ground state 2
6. Results: D = 3+1 -Ground and First Excited states 1
6. Results: D = 3 + 1 - the Q = 2 sector
Results, D-3+1 - k-2 string

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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