Training Autonomous Dynamics of a Soft Body - Embedding Bifurcation Structures Using Physical Reservoir Computing

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Soft Body Dynamics Courses Machine Learning Courses Dynamical Systems Courses Autonomous Systems Courses

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Explore the cutting-edge research on embedding bifurcation structures using physical reservoir computing in this 26-minute conference talk from the Fourth Symposium on Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems. Presented by Nozomi Akashi from Kyoto University, delve into the fascinating world of training autonomous dynamics of soft bodies. Gain insights into how physical reservoir computing techniques are applied to capture and model complex bifurcation structures in soft body systems. Learn about the intersection of machine learning, dynamical systems, and soft robotics, and discover potential applications in fields such as adaptive control and biomimetic engineering. Enhance your understanding of this innovative approach to modeling and controlling soft body dynamics, which could revolutionize the development of flexible and adaptable robotic systems.


Training Autonomous Dynamics of a Soft Body: Embedding Bifurcation Structures...

Taught by

Fields Institute

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