Houdini 15.5: Dynamics and Simulation
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Raise the bar of your 3D skill set, and learn how to create realistic effects and dynamic simulations in Houdini.
- Welcome
- Exercise files
- Exploring collision geometry types
- Overview of constraints
- Process overview
- Source assets
- Create simulation with shell and ground
- Create collision geometry for shell
- Create collision geometry for ground
- Add base into simulation
- Create collision geometry for base
- Add frame into simulation
- Add crates to simulation
- Add cans to simulation
- Tweak sim and constraint parameters
- Modify attributes on shell constraints
- Modify attributes on frame constraints
- Apply simulation to full-resolution shell
- Apply simulation to full-resolution geometry
- Run simulation and create flipbook
- Combine results and export alembic
- Process overview
- Create FEM simulation
- Create a point deform system
- Run and cache FEM simulation
- Prep edge geo for wire sim
- Create tentacle geo
- Create tentacle sim
- Create volume noise for wire sim
- Add volume advection to wire sim
- Create wires from arm geo
- Add arm wires to wire sim
- Combine and export wire sim
- Create tentacle geo from wires
- Wire deform arm geo with wires
- Ray arm geo to body geo
- Combine elements and export alembic
- Scene overview
- Create subnet and make paths relative
- Promote parameters and build UI
- Export HDA
- Open HDA in Maya
- Open HDA in C4D
- Next steps
Taught by
Scott Pagano
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