DMFT+NRG: From Models to Real Materials, From Local to Nonlocal Correlations

Offered By: PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube


Strongly Correlated Systems Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses Dynamical Mean Field Theory Courses Quantum Criticality Courses

Course Description


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Explore a powerful numerical approach for studying strongly correlated systems in this comprehensive lecture on dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) combined with numerical renormalization group (NRG). Delve into recent methodological advances that enable the application of NRG to first-principles calculations and nonlocal electronic correlations. Discover how this method provides accurate real-frequency dynamical properties at low system temperatures, surpassing the capabilities of other techniques like quantum Monte Carlo. Examine key characteristics of Hund metals, including spin-orbital separation and orbital differentiation, in both model systems and strontium ruthenate. Investigate quantum critical behaviors in heavy-fermion systems and learn about recent breakthroughs in the theory of multipoint correlation functions, which describe inelastic scattering and nonlocal correlations. Gain insights into cutting-edge research through discussions of various studies and publications in the field of strongly correlated electron systems.


Seung-Sup Lee: DMFT+NRG: from models to real materials, from local to nonlocal correlations

Taught by

PCS Institute for Basic Science

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