Ab Initio DMFT Methodologies for Correlated Quantum Materials

Offered By: PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube


Quantum Materials Courses Semiconductors Courses Quantum Information Science Courses Superconductivity Courses Density Functional Theory Courses Dynamical Mean Field Theory Courses

Course Description


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Explore ab initio DMFT methodologies for correlated quantum materials in this comprehensive lecture. Delve into the world of quantum information science and its potential for vastly improved performance over 20th-century achievements. Examine the unique properties of quantum materials, particularly those driven by electron-electron interactions, and their potential applications as "semiconductors" for quantum information science. Understand the challenges in comprehending correlated quantum materials and why traditional computational methods fall short. Learn about advanced approaches like LQSGW+DMFT and full GW+EDMFT, and discover fascinating physics in materials such as infinite-layer nickelates, Fe-based superconductors, and Fe-based narrow-gap semiconductors. Gain insights into various aspects of quantum materials, including regulators, quantum point defects, theory tools, and the quantum many-body problem. Investigate functional approaches, simplification techniques, and open-source packages for studying real materials. Examine correlated metallic bases, different DMFT methodologies, and spin and orbital susceptibility in this in-depth exploration of cutting-edge quantum materials research.


Second Quantum Revolution
Quantum Point Defect
Theory tools
DMFT methodologies
Quantum anybody problem
Functional approach
Narrowgate semiconductor
Charge transplants layer
Open source packages
Real material
Correlated metallic bases
Different DMFT methodologies
Spin and orbital susceptibility

Taught by

PCS Institute for Basic Science

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