Commuting Pairs of Generalized Structures, Para-Hyper-Hermitian and Born Geometry

Offered By: IMSA via YouTube


Differential Geometry Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Integrability Courses Manifolds Courses Tangent Bundles Courses Kähler Geometry Courses Cotangent Bundles Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 52-minute lecture on commuting pairs of generalized structures, para-hyper-Hermitian geometry, and Born geometry presented by Ruxandra Moraru from the University of Waterloo. Delve into the concept of generalized structures on smooth manifolds, defined as endomorphisms of the direct sum of tangent and cotangent bundles that square to plus or minus the identity. Examine pairs of generalized structures whose product forms a generalized metric, including generalized Kähler, para-Kähler, chiral, and anti-Kähler structures. Investigate the integrability of these structures and discover how para-hyper-Hermitian and Born geometry fit within this generalized framework.


Ruxandra Moraru: Commuting pairs of generalized structures, para-hyper-Hermitian and Born geometry

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