Multiple Wave Scattering - Previewing the Rothschild Lecture
Offered By: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore Professor Liliana Borcea's preview of her upcoming Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellowship lecture on "Multiple wave scattering" in this 13-minute video. Gain insights into the Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering programme as Borcea discusses her research focus on inverse problems in wave propagation. Discover the importance of understanding wave propagation in complex media and its applications in various fields such as medical imaging, non-destructive testing, and remote sensing. Learn about the challenges in developing robust imaging methodologies and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration. Hear about Borcea's experience as a long-term visitor at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences and the benefits of engaging in collaborative research in a stimulating academic environment.
- Introduction
- Joining the MWS Programme
- Rothschild Fellowship Lecture
- Life at INI
Taught by
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
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