Left-orderability and 3-manifold Groups - Rothschild Lecture

Offered By: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube


Geometric Topology Courses Group Theory Courses Topology Courses Algebraic Topology Courses Fundamental Groups Courses 3-Manifold Groups Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricate connections between algebraic, geometric, and analytic properties of 3-dimensional manifolds in this Rothschild Lecture delivered by Professor Cameron Gordon from the University of Texas at Austin. Delve into the fundamental group as a crucial invariant of 3-dimensional manifolds and examine how the algebraic question of left-invariant total order relates to geometric and analytic properties. Gain insights into the complex interplay between different mathematical perspectives in the study of 3-manifold groups during this hour-long talk presented at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences as part of the Homology Theories in Low Dimensional Topology programme.


Date: Friday 30th June 2017 - 15:00 to

Taught by

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

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