Fundamental Groups Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay via Swayam Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Part-II)
NPTEL via Swayam Intro to the Fundamental Group - Algebraic Topology with Tom Rocks Maths
Dr Trefor Bazett via YouTube The Fundamental Group - Algebraic Topology
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube Lie Algebras and Homotopy Theory - Jacob Lurie
Institute for Advanced Study via YouTube Drinfeld's Lemma for Schemes - Kiran Kedlaya
Institute for Advanced Study via YouTube Dejan Govc - Fundamental Groups of Small Simplicial Complexes
Applied Algebraic Topology Network via YouTube Persistent Homotopy Groups of Metric Spaces
Applied Algebraic Topology Network via YouTube Homology Planes and Fundamental Groups
IMSA via YouTube Higgs Bundles on Elliptic Surfaces and Logarithmic Transformations
IMSA via YouTube