Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Neutrino Physics Courses Particle Physics Courses Theoretical Physics Courses Majorana Particles Courses Neutrino Oscillations Courses Sterile Neutrinos Courses CP Violation Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricacies of non-standard neutrino interactions in this comprehensive lecture by Raj Gandhi at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into advanced concepts beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, focusing on the unique properties of neutrinos and their potential for revealing new physics. Learn about neutrino oscillations, the challenges in studying these elusive particles, and the latest experimental techniques used to detect them. Examine open questions in neutrino physics, including their nature as Majorana particles, the possibility of sterile neutrinos, mass ordering, and CP violation in oscillations. Gain insights into phenomenological models inspired by neutrino masses and understand the importance of neutrino research in expanding our understanding of the universe. This lecture is part of a broader program aimed at preparing the next generation of researchers in the dynamic field of neutrino physics.


Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions by Raj Gandhi

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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