Neutrino Mass Models - Lecture 2
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of neutrino mass models in this second lecture by Srubabati Goswami, part of the "Understanding the Universe Through Neutrinos" program. Delve into advanced concepts of neutrino physics, examining various theoretical frameworks that attempt to explain the origin and nature of neutrino masses. Learn about the challenges and implications of different mass models, their predictions, and how they relate to experimental observations. Gain insights into the latest developments in neutrino mass theory and its significance in particle physics and cosmology. This lecture is designed for PhD students and early postdocs working in neutrino physics, offering a deep dive into a crucial aspect of beyond-Standard Model physics.
Neutrino Mass Models - (Lecture 2) by Srubabati Goswami
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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