Neutrino Phenomenology: Atmospheric and Long-baseline Neutrinos - Lecture 1

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Neutrino Physics Courses Standard Model Courses Particle Physics Courses Majorana Particles Courses Neutrino Oscillations Courses Neutrino Masses Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating world of neutrino physics in this comprehensive lecture on neutrino phenomenology. Delve into atmospheric and long-baseline neutrino experiments as part of the "Understanding the Universe Through Neutrinos" program. Learn about the Standard Model's limitations and how neutrino oscillations provide evidence for physics beyond the standard model. Discover the unique properties of neutrinos, including their flavors, tiny masses, and weak interactions. Examine key open questions in neutrino physics, such as their nature as Majorana particles, the possibility of sterile neutrinos, mass ordering, and CP violation. Gain insights into new physics models inspired by neutrino masses and prepare for cutting-edge research in this dynamic field. Benefit from expert instruction and explore essential software tools used in neutrino physics research.


Neutrino Phenomenology: Atmospheric, Long-baseline..... (Lecture 1) by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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