Mechanics of Wrinkling, Folding and Crumpling - Lecture 1
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Bangalore School on Statistical Physics - IX
Mechanics of wrinkling, folding and crumpling Lecture 01
Bangalore Statistical Physics School
Objects that are flexible purely for geometric reasons sheets, filaments and ribbons make an overwhelming variety of patterns in nature and in the technological world.
Sea urchin
Sharon, Swinney, Marder
Fabric & Earth's Skin
Small deformations: wrinkles, ripples
Overall goals of our discussion
Instability not as "failure" but technological tool
Things I will not do
Pressure normal stresses - diagonal
Body forces
Torque balance
Material constant -Lame constants
Young's modulus
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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