Elasticity of Solids - General Physics Lesson

Offered By: Chad's Prep via YouTube


Physics Courses Hooke's Laws Courses Solid Mechanics Courses Stress Courses Young's Modulus Courses

Course Description


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Explore the physics of elasticity in solids through this comprehensive 20-minute video lesson. Delve into the deformation of solids, beginning with a review of Hooke's law for springs and its similarity to three key deformation equations. Learn about stress-strain relationships and elastic moduli as proportionality constants. Examine stretching and compression using Young's modulus, understand shearing deformation with the Shear modulus, and investigate volume deformation utilizing the Bulk modulus. Gain insights into practical applications such as rope stretching, building column compression, and the effects of pressure changes on solids. Follow along with clear explanations and examples to master these fundamental concepts in solid mechanics.


Lesson Introduction
Review of Hooke's Law for Springs
Stretching / Compression and Young's Modulus
Shear Deformation and the Shear Modulus
Volume Deformation and the Bulk Modulus

Taught by

Chad's Prep

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