Experimental Physics - I
Offered By: NPTEL via YouTube
Course Description
COURSE OUTLINE: I will teach Experimental Physics in this course. I have designed this course in three modules:
(I) Experimental Physics-I: Experiments on Mechanics, General properties of matter, Thermal properties of matter, Sound, Electricity and magnetism.
(II) Experimental Physics-II: Experiments on Optics and Modern Physics.
(III) Experimental Physics-III: Experiments on Solid state physics and Modern Optics.
Each module is of 30 hours course and module-I will run in Jan-Apr 2019. At present we will discuss only module-II and III may be discussed in successive semester.This course is not only suitable for undergraduate students of physics, rather it is compulsory for all undergraduate students of science, engineering and technology , who have to deal with instruments in any point of time during their carrier and profession. This course will make you understand the working principle of many common devices through their applications in different experiments with particular aims also this course have positive feedback for the national level examinations like GATE, NET, JAM and JEST conducted by IIT, UGC/CSIR, IIT and SERB, respectively.
Experimental Physics I.
Lecture 01: Introduction.
Lecture 02: Basic tools and apparatus.
Lecture 03: Basic tools and apparatus (Contd.).
Lecture 04: Basic tools and apparatus (Contd.).
Lecture 05: Basic tools and apparatus (Contd.).
Lecture 06: Basic tools and apparatus (Contd.).
Lecture 07: Basic components.
Lecture 08: Basic apparatus.
Lecture 09: Basic apparatus (Contd.).
Lecture 10: Basic analysis.
Lecture 11: Basic analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 12: Basic analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 13: Basic analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 14: Basic analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 15: Basic analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 16: Basics analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 17: Basics analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 18: Basics analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 19: Basics analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 20: Determination of Young's modulus.
Lecture 21: Demonstration on the experiment of Young's modulus of mettalic bar and data collection.
Lecture 22: Calculate the value of young's modulus of given metallic bar form the recorded datas.
Lecture 23: Experimental demonstration to calculate the spring constant of a given spring.
Lecture 24:.
Lecture 25: Theory regarding Moment of inertia of a flywheel.
Lecture 26: Experimental demonstration to calculate the moment of inertia of a given flywheel.
Lecture 27: How to calculate the value of moment of inertia of a flywheelform the recorded data.
Lecture 28: Theory regarding surface tension of the liquid.
Lecture 29: Demonstration on the experiment of surface tension and data collection.
Lecture 30: How to calculate the value of surface tension of water from the recorded data.
Lecture 31: Theory regarding viscosity of liquid.
Lecture 32: Demonstration on the experiment of viscosity.
Lecture 33: Data analysis of recorded data on viscosity.
Lecture 34: Forced Oscillations – Pohl’s pendulum.
Lecture 35: Coupled Pendulum.
Lecture 36: Demonstration on the experiment of compound pendulum.
Lecture 37: Theory regarding compound pendulum has been discussed.
Lecture 38:.
Lecture 39: Linear expansion of metal.
Lecture 40: Expt. to study linear expansion.
Lecture 41: Determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor.
Lecture 42: Determination of electrical equivalent of heat.
Lecture 43: Determination of specific heat of the given solid metals using Dulong-Petit's law.
Lecture 44:.
Lecture 45: Theorey and Demonstartion Platinum Resistance thermometer.
Lecture 46: Experiment on Platinum Resistance thermometer.
Lecture 47: To study the current-voltage relationship of an L-R circuit.
Lecture 48: To study the variation in current and voltage in a series LCR circuit.
Lecture 49: Sensitivity of Blastic Galvanometer.
Lecture 50: Expt. for Sensitivity of Blastic Galvanometer.
Lecture 51: Theory on RC Circuit.
Lecture 52: Expt. on RC Circuit.
Lecture 53: Theory regarding the magnetic field along the axis of a circular coil.
Lecture 54: Experiment regarding the magnetic field along the axis of a circular coil.
Lecture 55: Study the induced e.m.f of inductance coil.
Lecture 56: Mutual inductance.
Lecture 57: Theory regarding permeability of air.
Lecture 58: Experiment to determination the permeability of air.
Lecture 59: Devices around us.
Lecture 60: Devices around us (Contd.).
Taught by
IIT Kharagpur July 2018
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