Lattice Determination of Confining String Contributions in the - Michele Caselle

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Theoretical Physics Courses String Theory Courses Integrability Courses Lattice Gauge Theories Courses Non-Abelian Gauge Theories Courses Color Confinement Courses Chromolectric Flux Tubes Courses Gauge/Gravity Duality Courses

Course Description


Explore a 41-minute conference talk on lattice determination of confining string contributions in the (2+1) dimensional SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory. Delve into the fascinating world of color confinement, a fundamental phenomenon in physics, as presented by Michele Caselle from the University of Turin. Learn about non-Abelian gauge theories, asymptotic freedom, and the formation of bound states. Discover how chromoelectric flux tubes play a crucial role in color confinement and their observation in lattice simulations. Gain insights into the large N limit of gauge theories and its significance in studying confining strings. Understand the objectives of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics conference on Confinement, Flux Tubes, and Large N, which brings together experts from various fields to tackle this classic problem. Examine the interplay between color confinement, string theory, lattice gauge theory, gauge/gravity duality, large N methods, and integrability in advancing our understanding of these complex phenomena.


Lattice determination of confining string contributions in the... ▸ Michele Caselle (Univ. of Turin)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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