Safety First: Enhancing JVM Performance and Security

Offered By: Java via YouTube


Java Courses JVM Language Summit Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricacies of JVM safety and performance optimization in this 39-minute conference talk from the 2015 JVM Language Summit. Delve into topics such as array bounds checks, variable handles, and signature polymorphic methods. Learn about the replacement strategy for unsafe operations, performance results, and potential future vectorization. Gain insights into the goals of variable handles, their types, and access modes. Examine the implementation of lookup invocation and invokeExact methods. Discover how VarHandles can be used with bounds checks and in exotic scenarios. Understand the current situation of JVM safety and the near-term focus for improvements.


An "internal detail"
Use cases to features
Near term focus
Replacement strategy
Array bounds checks
Array Mismatch
Equals with long[]
Performance results
Vectorization future?
Current situation
Variable handles goals
Variable kinds
Variable types
Access modes
Unsafe ++
Signature polymorphic methods
With target typing?
Performance: macro
Under the hood
Unsafe with
VarHandle with bounds checks
Exotic VarHandles
VarHandle with FJP.Work Queue

Taught by


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