VM Futures - Trends and Ideas for Java Virtual Machine Evolution

Offered By: Java via YouTube


JVM Language Summit Courses Parametric Polymorphism Courses

Course Description


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Explore the future of Java Virtual Machines in this 46-minute conference talk by John Rose at the JVM Language Summit 2016. Delve into VM goals, trend capture, and big ideas like platform interoperability and Java on Java. Examine value types, parametric polymorphism, and template classes. Discover small ideas such as stack reification, length polymorphism, and bootstrap methods. Learn about future-proof design, bridge-o-matic, and duck typing. Investigate immutability, frozen arrays, lazy variables, and fibres. Gain insights into the potential developments and innovations shaping the future of Java and JVM technologies.


VM Goals
Trend Capture
Big Ideas
Platform Interoperability
Java on Java
Value Types
Parametric Polymorphism
Template Classes
Small Ideas
Stack Reification
Length Polymorphism
Bootstrap Methods
Future Proof Design
Bridge Omatic
Duck Typing
Frozen arrays
Lazy variables
Beef Roast

Taught by


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