New Bytecodes and Objects for the JVM - JVMLS 2015

Offered By: Java via YouTube


JVM Language Summit Courses Memory Management Courses Vector Operations Courses

Course Description


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Explore new bytecodes and object models for the Java Virtual Machine in this 55-minute conference talk from the 2015 JVM Language Summit. Dive into the JVM vision, fundamental operations in Scheme and Java, and proposed improvements to the Java VM bytecodes. Learn about challenges in class modularity, static dependencies, and memory management. Discover potential solutions like encapsulating special invocations, restructuring static initializations, and implementing pointer-free data structures. Gain insights into keeping pace with vector operations and optimizing performance within cache line constraints.


JVM Vision, 2014
What's in a JVM?
Clever JVM moves
Reality check
Scheme fundamental operations
Java fundamental operations
The Java VM bytecodes
Types for Arrays 2.0
Example code (from POC work)
Simplified user model!
Idea: Encapsulate extra-"special" invocations
Problem: classes are not modules
Problem: unstructured static dependencies
Encapsulate "static" initializations?
Problem: cache is scarce, memory is far away
Problem: side effects are round-the-world trips
Constraint: Coloring inside the cache lines
Solution: Pointer-free data structures
Keeping up with the vectors

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