HILT Conference - Making Peer Learning Effective
Offered By: Harvard University via YouTube
Course Description
Explore key findings from education research on the effectiveness of peer learning in this 21-minute conference talk from the HILT 2019 Conference. Discover why and how peer learning works through examples, including collaborative research projects in GENED1039. Examine different aims and methods for teacher-as-researcher inquiry into peer learning, including variations of educational research, proxies with students as data sources, and students cogenerating evidence. Gain insights into transforming traditional university courses into student-centered learning environments, with a focus on physics education. Learn how to apply these research-backed strategies to enhance peer learning effectiveness in various educational settings.
Drawing from two examples
Peer learning through collaborative research projects in GENED1039
Different aims for teacher-as-researcher inquiry into peer learning
Different methods - variations of educational research (shortcuts) University Physics Course to Student Centered Learning, without
Different methods - proxies for educational research with students as data sources
Different methods - students cogenerating evidence
Taught by
Harvard University
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