Enhancing an 8-Bit Classic Game with the Ensoniq Chip

Offered By: KansasFest via YouTube


Retro Computing Courses Game Development Courses 8-bit Computing Courses Apple IIGS Courses

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Explore the potential of enhancing classic 8-bit Apple II games using the Ensoniq chip found in the Apple IIGS in this 31-minute conference talk from KansasFest 2023. Discover how Jay Craft applies this concept to a beloved 1982 Apple II game, discussing the methodology involved and suggesting ways to improve other vintage titles. Learn about the transition from Mockingboard support to leveraging the superior sound capabilities of the Ensoniq chip, offering insights into modernizing retro gaming experiences while preserving their classic charm.


Enhancing an 8 bit classic game with the Ensoniq chip - Jay Craft (A24eVR/KansasFest 2023)

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