The SMB File System Translator for GS/OS

Offered By: KansasFest via YouTube


Windows Courses macOS Courses Apple IIGS Courses

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Explore the innovative SMB File System Translator (FST) for GS/OS in this 49-minute conference talk by Stephen Heumann at KansasFest/A24eVR 2024. Discover how this groundbreaking FST enables Apple IIGS computers to connect with SMB 2/3 file servers, including modern Windows and macOS systems. Witness a live demonstration of the SMB FST in action, and delve into the technical intricacies of its functionality. Gain insights into the challenges faced during its development and understand the significance of this advancement for Apple IIGS users. For those interested in further exploration, the project's GitHub repository is available at https://github.com/sheumann/smbfst.


The SMB File System Translator for GS/OS - Stephen Heumann (KansasFest/A24eVR 2024)

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