My History at Apple - Four Decades of Revolutionary Changes

Offered By: KansasFest via YouTube


Firmware Development Courses Apple IIGS Courses

Course Description


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Embark on a journey through four decades of Apple's revolutionary history with this captivating conference talk by Rich Williams, a former Apple employee from 1979 to 2009. Gain insider insights into the early days of Apple, including Williams' role on the IIc design team and his contributions to mouse and serial port firmware. Discover the story behind iconic utilities like FID and MUFFIN, and learn about Williams' pivotal work on the DOS Toolkit, enhanced IIe ROM, IIGS memory manager, and Apple III Twiggy drivers. Explore the transformative changes that shaped Apple's trajectory over the years, and seize the opportunity for one-on-one discussions with Williams to delve deeper into technical aspects like the IIGS memory manager or uncover the true meaning behind the "FID" acronym.


My history at Apple and a lot of shirts - Rich Williams (KansasFest/A24eVR 2024)

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