Delivering Impactful Science, Deploying Aurora, and Partnering with ECP at the ALCF

Offered By: Exascale Computing Project via YouTube


High Performance Computing Courses Scientific Research Courses Supercomputing Courses Exascale Computing Project Courses

Course Description


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Explore the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility's (ALCF) role in advancing high-performance computing and scientific research in this 32-minute podcast episode featuring Katherine Riley, director of science at ALCF. Gain insights into the facility's partnership with the Exascale Computing Project (ECP), the impact of ECP products on the research community, and the evolution of the project over its six-year history. Discover how Riley leads a team of computational science experts to maximize the use of ALCF resources for facility users. Learn about the deployment of Aurora and the collaborative efforts between ALCF and ECP in pushing the boundaries of scientific computing at the US Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory.


Delivering Impactful Science, Deploying Aurora, and Partnering with ECP at the ALCF

Taught by

Exascale Computing Project

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