High Performance Finite Element Modeling

Offered By: KTH Royal Institute of Technology via edX


Finite Element Analysis Courses Engineering Courses Science Courses Finite Element Method Courses Supercomputing Courses

Course Description


Engineering simulations are rapidly becoming fundamental in virtually all industrial sectors, from medicine to energy, aerospace and beyond. In this course, you will learn the breakthrough general adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) and open source FEniCS software that will position you to take lead to effectively solve the grand challenges in science and engineering.

The course targets engineers in industry, or engineering students at masters and doctoral level/or towards the end of a bachelor study.

Learners that achieve top grades in this first course, in a series of two courses, will be offered access to a supercomputer, and more advanced simulations of turbulent flow.

Taught by

Johan Jansson , Johan Hoffman , Massimiliano Leoni and Niclas Jansson


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