Exascale Computing Project Courses

The Exascale Computing Era - Reflections on Progress and Challenges
MICDE University of Michigan via YouTube
Exascale Computing Project's Software Technology Accomplishments and Futures - Lecture
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
Exascale Computing Project Successes and Lessons Learned
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
How IDEAS-ECP Has Advanced Software Productivity and Sustainability
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
Infrastructure for High-Fidelity Testing in HPC Facilities
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
ECP Broadening Participation Initiative: Challenges, Gaps, and Opportunities in Computing Workforce
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
Jack Dongarra's Perspective on the Exascale Computing Project
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
The OpenSSF Best Practices Badge Program for Open-Source Software Quality
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
Delivering Impactful Science, Deploying Aurora, and Partnering with ECP at the ALCF
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
Reflecting on the 'Why' Behind Supercomputing Simulations - Advancing Science
Exascale Computing Project via YouTube
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