Cobordism, ER = EPR, and the Sum Over Topologies

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


String Theory Courses Quantum Information Courses Effective Field Theory Courses Quantum Gravity Courses Holographic Duality Courses Gravitational Path Integrals Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 45-minute conference talk by Jacob McNamara from Caltech on "Cobordism, ER = EPR, and the Sum Over Topologies" presented at the Spacetime and String Theory conference. Delve into advanced concepts in string theory, examining the interplay between cobordism, the ER = EPR conjecture, and topological sums in quantum gravity. Gain insights into recent developments in non-perturbative string theory, stringy constraints on effective field theory, and the connections between gravitational path integrals, higher topologies, and entanglement. Discover how this talk contributes to bridging the gap between infrared and ultraviolet perspectives in string theory, offering a new synthesis of the field that incorporates quantum information, string compactification techniques, and holographic dualities beyond anti-de Sitter space.


Cobordism, ER = EPR, and the Sum Over Topologies ▸ Jacob McNamara (Caltech)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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