Celestial Imprint of Bulk Geometries - Andrea Puhm

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Conformal Field Theory Courses Black Holes Courses Quantum Gravity Courses Holography Courses Supersymmetry Courses S-Matrix Courses Gravitational Path Integrals Courses

Course Description


Explore the celestial imprint of bulk geometries in this 43-minute conference talk by Andrea Puhm from Polytechnique. Delve into topics such as celestial holography, symmetries in quantum field theory, soft symmetries, particle-like backgrounds, and celestial shockwave correlators. Examine the on-shell action, open questions, and the celestial distance conjecture. Investigate symmetries in d=2 celestial conformal field theory (CCFT) and learn about strategies for understanding symmetries in CCFT. Recorded as part of the "Gravity from algebra: modern field theory methods for holography" conference at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, this talk contributes to the ongoing exploration of holography, quantum gravity, and the connections between conformal field theory and string/M-theory.


Celestial Holography
Symmetries in QFT
Soft symmetries (cont'd)
Particle-like backgrounds
Celestial shockwave correlators
On-shell action
Open questions
Celestial distance conjecture
Symmetries in d 2 CCFT
Symmetries in CCFT: strategy

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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