Comments on Black Hole Entropy in Lorentz Signature

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Theoretical Physics Courses Quantum Information Courses Effective Field Theory Courses String Theory Courses Holographic Duality Courses Gravitational Path Integrals Courses

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Explore a 47-minute conference talk on black hole entropy in Lorentz signature delivered by Jonathan Sorce from MIT at the Spacetime and String Theory conference. Delve into cutting-edge research presented at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, examining the intersection of quantum information, string theory, and spacetime. Gain insights into recent advancements in non-perturbative string theory, gravitational path integrals, and holographic dualities beyond anti-de Sitter space. Discover how this talk contributes to bridging the gap between infrared and ultraviolet perspectives in string theory, offering a new synthesis of the field. Learn about stringy constraints on effective field theory and the connections between higher topologies and entanglement across energy scales.


Comments on black hole entropy in Lorentz signature ▸ Jonathan Sorce (MIT)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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