Build a Deep Facial Recognition App - Training a Siamese Neural Network - Python

Offered By: Nicholas Renotte via YouTube


Facial Recognition Courses Deep Learning Courses Python Courses TensorFlow Courses Loss Functions Courses

Course Description


Learn how to train a Siamese Neural Network for facial recognition in this Python tutorial video. Dive into the fifth part of a series on building a deep facial recognition app, focusing on the crucial training phase. Set up a loss function and optimizer, establish checkpoint functions, and construct custom training steps. Build a comprehensive training loop and execute the model training process. Follow along with provided code and resources, including links to the original research paper and dataset. Gain practical insights into implementing facial recognition technology for authentication purposes in applications.


- Start
- Explainer
- Tutorial Kickoff
- Setup the Loss Function & Optimizer
- Establish Checkpoint Function
- Build the Train Step Function
- Build the Training Loop
- Train the Model

Taught by

Nicholas Renotte

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