Applying Somatic Germline Testing for Lynch Syndrome

Offered By: Ambry Genetics via YouTube


Genetic Testing Courses Genetic Counseling Courses Immunohistochemistry Courses

Course Description


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Explore the benefits of paired tumor/germline testing for Lynch syndrome in this informative webinar presented by genetic counseling experts. Delve into the clinical challenges faced by healthcare professionals when confronted with discordant tumor screening and germline testing results. Examine current literature on somatic genetic testing following abnormal MSI/IHC results, and compare the effectiveness of paired tumor/germline testing for Lynch syndrome against other testing strategies. Learn from the expertise of Kory Jasperson, MS, CGC, Andrea Forman, MS, CGC, and Laura Panos Smith as they guide you through this complex topic in genetic testing.


Applying Somatic Germline Testing for Lynch Syndrome | Webinar | Ambry Genetics

Taught by

Ambry Genetics

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