Abnormal Mechanics in Brain Tumors: Implications for Immunotherapy
Offered By: Center for Physical Genomics and Engineering via YouTube
Course Description
Monthly Seminar on Physical Genomics April 28, 2023
My research experiences
Abnormal tumor microenvironment fuels treatment resis
Tumors harbor mechanopathologies including 'solid str
Solid stress compresses blood vessels in the surroundi
Solid stress is correlated with neurological dysfunction in
Mechanical model to apply solid stress in vivo for causal stud
Chronic compression reduces neurological function
Methods to measure and map solid stress ex vivo
Solid stress is a mechanical biomarker of treatment resp
Strategies to target solid stress
Losartan enhances therapeutic outcomes in extracranial
Losartan overcomes solid stress effects in GBM mouse
Losartan promotes cytotoxic T cell function in GBM
Losartan repolarizes the myeloid compartment in GE Pro-tumor myeloid cells
Losartan improves immune checkpoint blockade effi
Bihemispheric model predicts response to combination
Immune checkpoint blockade exacerbates GBM ede
Tumor Immune Microenvironment and Mechanics Lab
Taught by
Center for Physical Genomics and Engineering
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