Phase I Study of a Novel Glioblastoma Radiation Therapy Schedule Exploiting Cell-State Plasticity

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Mathematical Oncology Courses Mathematical Modeling Courses Cancer Treatment Courses Radiation Therapy Courses Glioblastoma Courses

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Explore a groundbreaking Phase I study on an innovative radiation therapy schedule for glioblastoma that leverages cell-state plasticity. Delivered by Jamie Dean from University College London, this 19-minute lecture is part of the Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Treatments, Resistance, and Optimization series within the Thematic Program on Mathematical Oncology at the Fields Institute. Gain insights into cutting-edge research aimed at improving treatment outcomes for one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer. Delve into the intersection of mathematical modeling and oncology as you learn about novel approaches to radiation therapy scheduling that exploit the dynamic nature of cancer cell states.


Phase I study of a novel glioblastoma radiation therapy schedule exploiting cell-state plasticity

Taught by

Fields Institute

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