Mathematical Modelling of MGMT Dynamics in Glioblastoma - Influence of Methylation Status and Phenotypic Selection in Cell Death Resistance

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Mathematical Modeling Courses Oncology Courses Epigenetics Courses Systems Biology Courses Cancer Biology Courses Glioblastoma Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 58-minute lecture on the mathematical modeling of MGMT dynamics in glioblastoma, focusing on the impact of methylation status and phenotypic selection in cell death resistance. Delivered by Marc Sturrock from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, this talk is part of the "Mathematics of the Hallmarks of Cancer" series at the Fields Institute. Gain insights into the complex interplay between genetic and epigenetic factors in cancer progression and treatment resistance. Delve into advanced mathematical techniques used to analyze and predict tumor behavior, with a specific emphasis on glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer. Learn how these models can potentially inform more effective treatment strategies and contribute to our understanding of cancer biology.


Mathematical Modelling of MGMT Dynamics in Glioblastoma: The Influence of Methylation Status...

Taught by

Fields Institute

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