A Short but Up-to-Date Introduction to Partially Parabolic Systems - Lecture 4

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Navier Stokes Equations Courses Fluid Dynamics Courses Mathematical Analysis Courses Partial Differential Equations Courses Hydrodynamics Courses Onsager Conjecture Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fourth lecture in a series on partially parabolic equations, delivered by Raphaël Danchin at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into advanced topics in fluid mechanics as part of the program on Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis of Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. Gain insights into recent developments in nonlinear partial differential equations, including the Onsager conjecture, weak solutions to Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, and stochastic fluid flow equations. Benefit from expert discussions on cutting-edge techniques in the field of fluid mechanics during this 1 hour and 45 minute presentation.


A Short but Up-to-Date Introduction to Partially Parabolic ... (Lecture 4) by Raphaël Danchin

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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