Paint and Roto for Feature Film VFX 01

Offered By: Udemy


VFX Courses Nuke Courses Visual Effects Courses

Course Description


Marker Removal in Nuke

What you'll learn:
  • Have confidence in knowing what to expect in the industry.
  • Students will be able to complete marker removal and other basic paint tasks to feature film standard using tried and tested methods.
  • Denoise and regrain plates, remove markers, bring back foreground objects, 2D tracking, 3D Projections, Edge Fixing.

About this tutorial:

In this tutorial we will be working on a shot I designed to emulate a typical ‘first shot’ you might be expected to get when you enter the industry: Marker Removal. I will demonstrate various different methods of removing markers and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each method. We will cover methods of bringing back foreground objects over our painted background, and fixing contaminated edges. Anyone with an intermediate knowledge of Nuke will easily be able to follow along. We will be doing this task together from start to finish, from denoising the plate all the way through to re-graining our feature film quality final result.

Specifically it will cover:

- Best practice workflows.

- Denoising and re-graining.

- Clean-plate generation.

- Basic 1-point tracking and linking tracking data.

- Various static and live paint patch methods.

- 3D Projection workflows

- Edge extending.

- Edge fixing, both procedural and manual

- Methods of Quality control.

- Alpha preservation and manipulation.

- Stabilisation by 3D projection.

- Various tips and tricks.

About this series:

The first in a series of In-Depth Paint and Roto tutorials using Nuke. In this series I will illustrate various workflows and techniques that I use every day as a paint artist in the feature film industry. The footage used in this series is footage that I shot in order to accurately represent the sort of tasks that you can expect to receive once you enter the industry. The goal of this series is to as accurately as possible emulate work in the industry and to demonstrate tried and tested workflows that are required in order to achieve the standard of work required in feature film work. Most of all, this course is designed to give you the confidence to know what to expect and to know that you have the skills and workflows necessary to impress in the industry.

Project Files included:

- Nuke Scripts

- Iron Man Image sequence

- Shot camera and geometry

- Gizmo’s

Taught by

Michael North

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