Windows Courses
OffensiveCon via YouTube Windows TCP/IP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability: What You Should Know
Pluralsight Security Hot Takes: CrowdStrike Outage Post-mortem
Pluralsight Play by Play: Google Cloud Platform, Windows/.NET
Pluralsight Building for Microsoft with React Native Windows
Confreaks via YouTube Streamlining Software Management with Chocolatey - PowerShell Summit 2023
Confreaks via YouTube PowerShell Tooling: Vision, Innovation, and Demos - PSHSummit 2022
Confreaks via YouTube OpenSSH in Windows and Azure
Confreaks via YouTube Embedded Computer Solutions for SDRs Running GNU Radio
Confreaks via YouTube Installing Python, CUDA, cuDNN, C++ Build Tools, FFMPEG, and Git for AI Applications
Software Engineering Courses - SE Courses via YouTube