The Print Spooler Bug that Wasn't in the Print Spooler

Offered By: OffensiveCon via YouTube


Vulnerability Research Courses Windows Courses Security Analysis Courses Exploit Development Courses Privilege Escalation Courses Windows Security Courses Bug Hunting Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a captivating 42-minute conference talk from OffensiveCon23 featuring security experts Maddie Stone and James Forshaw as they unravel the intriguing case of a print spooler bug that wasn't actually in the print spooler. Explore the complexities of vulnerability research and the unexpected twists that can occur during the process of identifying and analyzing security flaws. Gain insights into the methodologies used by top-tier researchers as they navigate the challenges of bug hunting and learn how seemingly straightforward issues can lead to surprising discoveries in the world of cybersecurity.


OffensiveCon23- Maddie Stone & James Forshaw- The Print Spooler Bug that Wasn’t in the Print Spooler

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