Embedded Computer Solutions for SDRs Running GNU Radio

Offered By: Confreaks via YouTube


Software-Defined Radio Courses Embedded Systems Courses Linux Courses Windows Courses GNU Radio Courses

Course Description


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Explore the challenges and solutions for creating embedded computer systems with Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) running GNU Radio in this conference talk from GNU Radio Conference 2021. Delve into crucial design criteria such as processor architecture, operating system selection, performance considerations, and hardware constraints. Learn about engineering tradeoffs in areas like data latency, storage, physical size, power consumption, electromagnetic interference, and environmental factors. Discover strategies for overcoming these challenges and creating reliable, high-performance embedded systems. Examine real-world examples and gain insights into developing small, powerful embedded computer systems with SDRs and GNU Radio for field applications. Understand how to approach these design challenges from the project's outset to enable new possibilities for SDR technology beyond traditional desktop and laptop implementations.


GRCon21 - Embedded Computer Solutions for SDRs running GNU Radio

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