Substance Courses

Complete Guide to Marvelous Designer 11
iClone 7 and Substance Painter Tutorial - Material Overhaul
Reallusion via YouTube
iClone 7 Tutorial - Using the B2M Substance Super Tool
Reallusion via YouTube
Pirate Character Creation - Texturing Clothes in Substance Painter
Reallusion via YouTube
Substances, Elements, Compounds & Mixtures - Physical Chemistry
Medicosis Perfectionalis via YouTube
Character Creator and Substance Painter Bridge - Exporting and Texturing Characters
Michael Pavlovich via YouTube
Texturing from Substance Painter to Redshift with UDIMs - Martian Gun Tutorial
New Plastic via YouTube
Texture Your Character in Substance Painter - Character Creator and ZBrush Pipeline - Part 4
Reallusion via YouTube
Substance Designer Fundamentals
Realistic Game Character Texturing in Substance Painter
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