Mathematical Physics Courses
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Control of Water Waves by Metamaterial-Based Devices
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Cluster Algebras and Representation Theory - Rothschild Lecture
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Extraordinary Waves and Math: From Beaches to Photonics - Rothschild Lecture
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Random Rubber Bands: Evolution and Noise on Manifolds - Rothschild Lecture
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Disordered Systems and Related Spectra - Rothschild Lecture
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Non-Local Differential Operators in Probability - Kirk Lecture
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube The Hidden Landscape of Localization - Kirk Lecture
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Multiple Wave Scattering - Previewing the Rothschild Lecture
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube Landau Singularities from Whitney Stratifications
Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI) via YouTube