Cluster Algebras and Representation Theory - Rothschild Lecture

Offered By: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube


Cluster Algebras Courses Combinatorics Courses Commutative Algebra Courses Representation Theory Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Lie Theory Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating world of cluster algebras and their impact on representation theory in this Rothschild Lecture by Professor Bernhard Keller. Delve into the elementary definition of cluster algebras, invented by Fomin-Zelevinsky around the year 2000, and discover their rich combinatorial structure. Uncover the surprising connections between these commutative algebras and various subjects in mathematics and physics. Examine how the interaction between cluster algebras and representation theory has profoundly influenced both fields. Gain insights into exciting ongoing research in this area and witness the far-reaching implications of these mathematical structures. This 1-hour 16-minute lecture, delivered at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, offers a comprehensive survey of cluster algebras and their significance in modern mathematics.


Date: 4th October 2021 16:00 -

Taught by

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

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