Coq Courses
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Merging Inductive Relations for Improved Program Specification
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular Verification of WebAssembly Programs
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube CryptOpt: Verified Compilation with Randomized Program Search for Cryptographic Primitives
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube VMSL: A Separation Logic for Mechanised Robust Safety of Virtual Machines Communicating Above FF-A
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Putting Weak Memory in Order via a Promising Intermediate Representation
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Beyond Backtracking - Connections in Fine-Grained Concurrent Separation Logic
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube DisLog: A Separation Logic for Disentanglement
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube A Formalization of Core Why3 in Coq
ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube Asynchronous Probabilistic Couplings in Higher-Order Separation Logic