Beyond Backtracking - Connections in Fine-Grained Concurrent Separation Logic
Offered By: ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a groundbreaking approach to automated verification of fine-grained concurrent algorithms and data structures in this 19-minute video presentation from PLDI 2023. Delve into the challenges of using disjunctive invariants in concurrent separation logic and discover a novel multi-succedent calculus inspired by connection calculus. Learn how this new method addresses issues of backtracking and disjunction elimination in automated provers, while maintaining compatibility with advanced features of the Iris framework. Examine the practical applications of this technique through 24 challenging benchmarks, showcasing its potential for fully automated verification in the Coq proof assistant.
[PLDI'23] Beyond Backtracking: Connections in Fine-Grained Concurrent Separation Logic
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