Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular Verification of WebAssembly Programs
Offered By: ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a 16-minute conference talk from PLDI 2023 that introduces Iris-Wasm, a mechanized higher-order separation logic for verifying WebAssembly programs. Delve into the development of a robust and modular approach to specifying and verifying individual WebAssembly modules, enabling their composition in a host language featuring core operations of the WebAssembly JavaScript Interface. Learn how the presenters combine a program logic with a logical relation to enforce robust safety, allowing for formal verification of functional correctness even when programs interact with unknown code. Gain insights into the potential of Iris-Wasm for enhancing the security and reliability of WebAssembly applications running on the web with near-native performance.
[PLDI'23] Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular Verification of WebAssembly Programs
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