Back-Pressure Courses
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne via Coursera Apache NiFi - A Beginners Guide | Big DataFlow | HDF & CDF
Udemy Managing the Reactive World with RxJava - Jake Wharton
ChariotSolutions via YouTube Tools for Building the Real-Time Organization
ChariotSolutions via YouTube Reactive Streams - Handling Data-Flows the Reactive Way
ChariotSolutions via YouTube Distributed Systems in Production: Tactics and Strategy - Lecture 32
ChariotSolutions via YouTube Reactive Systems
GOTO Conferences via YouTube 5 Reasons to Use Reactive Programming if You Are Not eBay
GOTO Conferences via YouTube Reactive Systems - 21st Architecture for 21st Century Systems
GOTO Conferences via YouTube Reacting to the Future of Application Architecture
Devoxx via YouTube